
Lottery myths

The lottery is a gambling game that is enjoyed by various categories of citizens. It’s easy to understand them. After all, with the help of the lottery, you can fulfill your dream and get rich in one moment. However, not everyone can do it. That is why there are many different myths around lotteries. And it’s time to debunk the most common of them.

Lotteries run by private companies and they cheat players

So say those who do not know the very principle of the lottery. So, in Russia its organizer now is only the state. Private lotteries have not existed for several years. Thanks to this, all participants can be sure of the honesty of the draw and the reality of the chances of winning.

A person is more likely to be struck by lightning than win the lottery.

The myth is refuted by simple statistics provided in the late 1990s by one of the founders of the famous Powerball lottery in the United States. He pointed out that in 1996 only about 90 people had been struck by lightning. In the same period, a million and more than 1100 participants won the lottery. The misconception is primarily due to the fact that novice players do not understand the rules and think that there is only the main prize.

Even before the official draw, the organizers know the results and simply rig them

This myth is the most common and has been linked to several well-known scams. However, now you can debunk this misconception by familiarizing yourself with all the options for forming winning combinations:

  1. A bag of kegs. The leader takes out the kegs from a tight bag. At the same time, he does not look there, and it is unrealistic to determine the numbers on the barrel by touch. In addition, during the draw, members of the commission are always present in the auditorium, making sure that everything goes honestly.
  2. Lototron. The balls are mixed in the loto drum with a stream of air, and those that fall through the shutter make up winning combinations. Here the leader does not participate in the process in any way and cannot influence it.
  3. Random number generator. Combinations are made by the computer in a completely random order. No one can intervene in this.

The winnings will be greater with fewer participants

In this case, everything is just the opposite. The number of participants not only does not reduce the probability of winning, but also increases the chance that the main prize will be drawn. It all has to do with the theory of probability. The fact is that there are a certain number of winning combinations in lotteries. And the more tickets bought, the higher the chances of success. Therefore, to win, it is better to buy more tickets. This will increase the likelihood of getting a winning combination.

You can’t hit the jackpot twice

However, the facts show otherwise. At the same time, it is not necessary to go far for examples. Back in 2020, Russian Artem Arinich was able to win big prizes in two different lotteries in just a couple of months. In total, he received almost 2 million rubles. Even more fortunate was another Russian – Vasily Kozhkar. In 2019, the Muscovite won 6 million rubles, and six months later – another 5.3 million.

As you can see, all these myths are simple delusions. And you can verify this personally. But first you need to buy a lottery ticket and hope for good luck.

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